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Actually, it was that same company that I had invested in years ago. They wanted the patent rights and trade registrations to a couple of our products that had turned golden! What better way to acquire them then to acquire the company that owned them. Not only do you get access to the patents and trade registrations, but you also get access to the company’s earnings and cash flow! Well the acquisition was history before anyone had an idea of what was going on. With the acquisition. .....master yes" she says with a moan. The first bite lasted longer then this one. Santa lifts his bloody mouth, removing his fangs from her libido. Santa then starts licking at Gwen's clitoris, sending blissful waves through her body.Gwen then stars carresing her own breasts, while Santa sucks and fingers her vagina to orgasm. " oh...yesssss......master....I'm...ready....for......your gift" mentions Gwen panting from cumming. Santa licks her juices and blood from his lips " Ho, Ho, Her moment of respite did not last long and Rick was pushing his member into her mouth again. Now, he began to face fuck her. He moved his hips quickly and deeply, his tip moving in and out of her throat. Barirah couldnt help but drool on his shaft and each time he pulled his cock out for her to breath, thick globs of spit dumped out and rolled down her face. She couldnt open her eyes anymore and her nose was so thoroughly clogged with spit she couldnt use it to breath. The moments she wasnt. After half an hour of them leaving the guys were getting pretty restless. With no female attention the night had gotten boring so i called it a night, thankful that i only had a short walk home in my intoxicated state.About 2 minutes into my journey i passed Debbie's apartment, sadly no lights were on so i assumed she wasnt home, i carried on my way and soon found myself in my bed. Soon my mind drifted to thoughts of Debbie, what i would have done to her, what she would have done to me, i.
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