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A little past noon Greg’s doorbell chimed. Opening the door he saw a smiling Rachel standing there. She looked good in the back pullover and tan pants she was wearing.She raised one of her hands which was holding a bag that had a McDonald’s logo on it. “I brought some lunch as I want you to have all your strength.” That remark eliminated any doubt he had about what would be happening later with Rachel. He could feel a tingling in his groin.They ate the burger and fries Rachel brought as she. ”“I’m sorry TY. I won’t do it again. I don’t want to disappoint you,” she apologized while a few tears rolled slowly down her cheek. “It won’t happen again. I promise.”“I know it won’t, Babe.” Tyrone said as he leaned in kissing and licking the tears from her cheeks and continuing to gently stroke her bruised nipple. “Here, have a drink and let’s finish the joint together.” Tyrone slid her drink closer to her and she picked it up. It was strong, but it was cold and refreshing. Smoking. I asked if she had done anything with another girl. She blushed and said that she and Susan had practiced kissing with each other. I said that kissing was normal most girls do it when they are young. What else I said. Her face turned very red. I can’t say she replied. I asked her if she had felt Susan up and she nodded her head. Now I was getting some where. Did you let Susan feel you up? Once again she nodded her head. I asked her what else. She said Dad I can’t say it. I said what and rubbed. Up and down, gratifying each special place for me, lifting me up to the cusp of indulgence.Yes, your baby is hot and dripping for you. You can’t get enough of my fluids and throbbing.I try to roll over on the turtle to face you, but you hold me by my hips and tell me not to move. You continue your wonderful tongue washing, concentrating on each individual spot until I am moaning and gasping.Only then, when even with all your licking I am dripping so hard, do you raise yourself to kneel.
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