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00pm, I have dragged Renee to work with me on stocktake. Can you wake up Ash by 11.00 as she has work at 12.00pm’Love Nora.Now I knew why the house was so quiet. I sat at the table with my coffee and some toast, thinking about moving back to my home, when Ash entered the kitchen. For a girl who had felt so bad last night, she looked pretty refreshed. Amazing how the younger ones bounce back so fast!!“Hi there beautiful, how are you feeling?” I smiled, pushing back my chair and giving her a. ‭”‬ I say feeling her arms wrap around me‭“‬ Goodie because I have been waiting so long to be in this moment.‭ ‬I just hope it turns to more,‭ ‬but I know I need to speak with Jasmine and the others before to long.‭”‬ Kendra says holding me tightWe stay like that for a moment until she breaks the hug to look up into my blue eyes.‭“‬ Heath I might be a fake girlfriend in front of your family,‭ ‬but my heart isn‭’‬t.‭ ‬I hope what I am about to say doesn‭’‬t freak you out,‭ ‬but I‭ ‬truly love. Dave looked angry, though not at me. Or, at least, I didn’t think he was angry at me. Maybe he was just angry in general, at the guys with the guns, or the cops, or the jail ... please, let it not be me!Liz gave me a kiss on the cheek and then I was braced by a quartet of FBI Special Agents.“Mister McCoy, we just need to know if you want to file an official complaint about your rights being violated by the Dallas police or their Jail. We were instructed by our Director to tell you than any. He was the sixth caller that night. He requested his favourite tracks and Eddy the controller found them as usual on his database. We played them as part of the schedule as the night drew on. He would not give his name and called himself simply ‘Mister’ as we chatted on air, talking about music and what he liked for almost ten minutes. I loved his voice, it was smooth and calming and addictive. ‘I’m glad they put a lady on the late show,’ he told me. ‘It makes it much nicer to listen to. I can.
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