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I wiggled my bum at the camera and looked up a bit so that they could see me working at the ultimate endless blowjob. In my minds eye, it was a really sexy picture. I hoped they were making the most of it. If anyone had been watching all this time they must be getting weary. I wondered how many of them had come already. That was a nice thought as well; all these cocks the other side of the camera being made to come by my antics, hmmm. All this sexy thinking helped me through till two o’clock.. And she killed him instead.”Tears streamed down my face and Karin moved to put her arm around me.“What do you mean, protect you?” Karin asked.“I would have been sent home by YFU if they found out about the baby. Her dad agreed not to tell my parents until I got home, but her mom threatened to tell my parents if Becky didn’t have the abortion. Becky had the abortion to keep me from being sent home. But I didn’t care! I would have gone home!”Karin simply held me as I sobbed, rubbing my back but. Now my dick was ready and her sweet pussy was also ready. She gave me a condom. I wore the condom and teased her by massaging my dick on her pussy lips. This hot girl couldn’t control and took my dick in her hand and started guiding my dick to her hole. The feel was amazing! I slowly entered her pussy in a missionary pose and started my act of too and fro movements.Her moans were louder and so was the intensity of my banging. I fucked her very hard and started to increase my pace. I shut her. Besides which I was doing a favor for singlemen everywhere by keeping her like this to give them one more fish in thesea to choose from. She made a far more attractive woman than man, I thought.It would be a pity to undo that pretty face of hers and restore it to itsformer ugliness.Then I thought of something I would kill myself if I didn't do right nowwhile I had the opportunity. I intended to kiss her, but then quicklydecided on a compromise and set my gun back in the holster then wet myindex.
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