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” Tommy said while still facing the closed door.“Well come on in, and let me see it.”When Tommy opens the door he was taken aback by the sweet, musky aroma which seemed to permeate the whole room. He saw Emily, who’s sitting on her bed with her back propped up by the headboard. Her legs were splayed out before her, partially spread, and she had a content look about her.Emily in turn saw that Tommy was still bottomless, and he had a semi-erect, but growing cock. She gave her approval by giving. She was pleased to see that he was a young man compared to Chief Cave Lion, but still somewhat older than she was. From what little she could see through the fur he wore and the beard that covered his face, he was a handsome man. This gave her the hope that the ordeal she would soon endure might not be so terrible after all.As the shaman's apprentice, Ivory was soon occupied in rather more pressing matters for the rest of the day. Intoxicants were prepared which included strong alcoholic drinks. I wiggled my was towards his dick and then leaned in on the table. I could feel my pussy getting wet. My skirt started to ride up and everyone could see my black lace thong I was wearing. His hand guided mine and I finally took the shot, obviously missed. As I got from leaning on the table, my ass rubbed against his dick getting harder. I turned around and said "oh no, did you see my panties?" He grinned and said "oh sweetie, every did. But don't worry, you got a great ass." I put my hand on. As soon as we were situated, my father asked, "How much of what you tell us would get us in trouble with law enforcement agents, how much is a suggestion, and are you going to tell us the difference?"The man sitting across from my father smiled."I read about you on the plane. Questions that are pointed and relevant, but usually not ever asked." Yes," my father replied, "and of course part of that is that there is an avoidance to answer the basic needs of a person's questioning mind, so they are.
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