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I hurried to my room and dug out a pair of short pants and a large t-shirt. Slipped my feet in to a pair of flip flaps and went down the hall looking for Robert. Once I arrived at room 409, I rapped on the door twice., to my surprise the door slowly opened and there stood Robert, framed by a dark blue light from behind. In a hushed voice Robert said 'hi David, want you come in.' As I entered I noticed that Robert still had a towel wrapped around his waist and a pair of pants and a shirt on. I'm standing up. He's back now and giving me room. Sitting down on a barstool and taking me in. Fuck. He probably sees naked guys all the time in the showers. He is a football player. Wait, he's not gay, he's got a girlfriend. I've seen him with Laura, the cheerleader. But why do this? This blouse feels cold against me. Is it the material? What is this material? I didn't look at the tag. I hope it fits. Why? Fuck. Okay, part one is done... shirt's off, blouse on... Should I turn around while I. ”“What the fuck are you talking about? A window?”I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.“Are you just saying stuff pastor? Do you have any idea how dumb you sound right now?”Paul seemed startled by my response.“I’m not one of your deacons or choir boys,” I said harshly. “I’m not here to lap up your bullshit and tell you it’s steak. You’re not in church now. You’re in the real world for once and we’re all real men who’ve been through real shit.”I looked around but nobody would look back at me.So. "Lynn looked confused for a second. "Shit! Did I just say that? I don't even own a dildo, but I clearly remember ... You really can ... oh, fuck me." That'll do for a start. But why don't you begin with Billy? He's wanted that ass for a long time."I wanted ... what? That was just crazy; Lynn was cute but she was like a sister to me. Fucking her would be weird - just like ... well ... just like fucking my ... my hot, sexy, beautiful sister. More like a stepsister actually. My cock was growing.
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