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"So ... What did she do last time at level 5, Cynthia?" I demandedunrelenting."Ronnie tied me up and raped me ..." Cynthia admitted slowly."Couldn't you stop her, Cynthia?" I was aghast."Yes, I could have stopped her by shouting a lower level number ...But I didn't want her to stop!"Cynthia blushed again as she admitted her complicity in her degradation."Are these 'Levels' post-hypnotic commands, Cynthia?" Yes and no ... Their effect is exactly the same as hypnotism, but theywork because Ronnie. Because she had offered herself as a reward for a well-played game of poker this wasn’t about her, she was simply content to receive him inside her until he came.At one point Sam got up and walked away announcing that he needed to piss. Jayden and Trevor were more than happy to watch her get fucked. After couple of minutes some heavy panting and a strained groan signaled the arrival of Matthew’s orgasm and he drove his cock as deep into her as he could as he twitched and spasmed inside her. She. It was more Murray than Morrow.“Murray?”He tapped her cheek.“Murray it is,” “Mom, meet Murray.”Murray ambled over to Zo and stood. He was taller.“Murray?”He tapped her cheek, got down and offered a paw.“Pleased to meet you, Murray.”They shook ... no ... really ... shook ... like a well trained dog.In like manner, he was introduced to the family and crew ... but he growled and hissed at the Child Protection Agency agent.The Ludington Animal Control paddy wagon pulled to a stop. The uniformed. “Well, I was asleep until I heard the Jeep. I was worrying, too.”“Multi-tasking?” The light blanket lifted from her. “Need this?” He put it on the foot of the bed without waiting for her answer. “I’ve told you. Fighting fires isn’t really that dangerous. Greg’s broken leg was the first hospitalization that the department has had in a long time. I’ve gone to two funerals for volunteers, but neither died fighting a fire.” Dan was a darling, but he kept repeating his arguments for her head when it.
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