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‘Come here, honey,’ he said, turning her away from him as he slid down fully into the tub. He cupped her breasts with strong, warm hands and eased her between his legs, her back pressing his erection onto his flat stomach, his cock and balls now seemed weightless in the water as he rolled her nipples gently between his thumbs and forefingers. He hugged her for what seemed forever, inhaling the scent that rose from her, kissing her neck. They seemed to be floating, she too felt weightless. His. " Okay, okay, I get the message. Anyway, the jogger's going down for murder one when we catch him and I'll let you know when we do." Do that; for once try to finish the job without fucking up."Osvaldo Jerez-Gonzalez replaced the handset on the phone and leant back in his leather chair. Ten years he had been waiting to tidy up this loose end, ten years and that idiot Markow was in danger of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory yet again. It had been his bungling that had led to this ten. Her tail slowly thumps along the bed and her ears pricked toward the sound of him entering. He steps fully in, letting the smile that comes onto his face. Without a word, he approaches the bed, his cock at full hardness. Missy legs are parted slightly, enough for him to see that little tuft of fur and the tiniest of the pink bellow. There is a mischievous grin on her face to match the teasing.“Did you sleep well, Master?” she purrs.Nodding, Brock climbs onto the end of the bed. His heart is. Almost immediately after, the aching feeling that had built up finally peaked and waves of pleasure radiated from my core all throughout me. I remember lying next to him, like a fish out of water, trying how to remember how to breathe. ---(The next morning)We had dressed and ate quickly when the clouds turned a brighter shade, talking giddily to each other. I had to work soon and the Faire was about to close its portal to Elwynn. Jarred had paladin things to do, anyway. We knew this and dreaded.
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