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By New Year's Eve I was testing all the circuits and doing light level test on the two cameras. I was confident that she would never guess that they were there for even if you took the units apart you would never identify the cameras. It was all one circuit board with a small bubble lens mounted in front of a light sensitive chip.We were going to a New Year's party that night so for the first time I could try my new system out on a live subject. Mandy, my pretty young wife went upstairs for her. In just seconds, all ten of the men were down and King proceeded to dismember their bodies with his slashing claws. The two men guarding the other end of the street had enough sense to run away as fast as they could while the tiger was occupied with his victims.Finally, with blood running in rivers towards the curb, King stood up on his hind legs, pawed the air, and let out a thunderous roar of rage and victory.Now for the first time there were sounds of windows opening along the street and. To my surprise and utter amazement she was even more interested! With all that we have said and done, we both decided it was time to meet. My wife was planning a trip with the kids to Chicago in late July to see her family. I never go to Chicago for that reason, ever! So, it was easy for me to bow out without an excuse. I booked a flight to Boston (actually it was to R.I). The plan was that she was going to meet me at the airport, take me to my hotel, go home for the night and come back the. I also like the fact she always wears very high heels. Secretly I have fantasized over Marks mum for many a year and wanked more than a few times with her in my thoughts. Any way she invited me in and told me that Mark and herself had been trying to get the video working all the previous night but to no avail. She said she would make us all a cuppa if I could take a look at the video camera and showed me into the living room. When I checked everything had been set up correctly, it was just.
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