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"Yes, now we can whisper and no one can hear us", said Jim.They talked about his job, her divorce, and different other things, long into the evening. They each had a few more drinks and were really starting to relax when Jim mentioned to her once that he had made love to a stranger in the plane's restroom on the way to Singapore. She stared at him wide-eyed with fascination. He could almost see her mind working. She replied that she'd heard where people do that and call it the " mile high. Taking control, the Goddess extracted the cucumber, then repositioned the Master by gently guiding him so that he was kneeling next to her, and they had their guest lying on his back in front of them. She took her Master's hands and placed them on the man’s balls so that he could play with them, and then the Master felt her mouth sucking ‘him’, licking the remains of the spunk of his cock. Soon ‘his’ cock came back to life as he moaned with renewed pleasure. Master couldn't bear it anymore, and. She was clean from outside.We ordered for some rotis and gravy and some rice stuff – the women finished their toilets and came and sat on the dhabha chairs/ suzzanne then went to the loo before she entered she looked at me and nodded and locked herself in. The toilet was behind the dhabha and me and one more person was sitting in the chair from where we could see the toilets. I too excused myself went over to the cigarret walla bought 2 cigrettes and lit one as the food twill take time. I then. Shouldering the pack she made haste to the cave. They way made easier now that she was on the natural path. As the wind became biting and the sky started to darken she ended up running.Vin made it to the entrance of the cave out of breathe and in time to see the last of the blue sky obscured by clouds. Lightning streaked across the skies and Vin retreated further into the cave out of the wind, breaking a Glo stick as she went. She didn't know how deep it went, from here it seemed rather.
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