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"What?" I demanded as my world turned upside down."She confessed all last evening," Father admitted,"She broke down and begged for forgiveness." Broke down?" I enquired."Fitzgibbon spurned her," Lucy said, "After twenty years as his whore!" Twenty years but I am," I stopped as the thought struck me, "Am I Fitzgibbon's son?" I asked as an image of the rogue appeared in my consciousness, a chancer, drunkard and womaniser known the county over for his scrapes and his excesses. "Indeed," Father. At night, the first night, I felt thrilled. I thought, 'There's nothing wrong with this, just cultural norms that are meaningless."And then in the morning, we had oral sex again, and that's when I wanted to puke and felt like a criminal. At night I was really into it, but by morning I wanted to die. That's not hyperbole; I really wanted to die."I feel the need to say these words before I get into the nitty gritty details, this was how I generally felt, so fucking horny at night and so guilty. I arrived at the Queen Street Station just as the first flurry of snow started falling, adding to the excitement of Christmas leave, an excitement that would translate itself to an urge between my legs, my white cotton panties already wet with sweat from my exertions of trying to get there on time, and a teenage horniness that was ever present, now my pussy knew a little more about its function in life, peeing is one function, being watched as you pee, is a whole new ball game, and that. "I liked it, but I'm melting! Oh! Oh! I'm... coming! I'm coming!"Dorothy scrambled off the bed, and her companions scrambled out of their hiding places."I'm coming! I'm melting! You wicked, wicked girl!" the Witch screamed."Imagine that," the Scarcrow laughed. "Coming and going at the same time!"The Witch collapsed into a heap, rapidly diminishing in size, forming a small, greenish puddle on the bed.The door to the chamber burst open. Three burly Guardsmen dashed in."You've killed her," one of.
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