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Matthew punches the air and smiles. "Yes!" Susie lets out a deep breath and her face breaks into a wide smile, sharing her partner's enthusiasm. They unexpectedly envelop each other in a huge hug. Realising that the girl he has wanted for weeks is in his arms, Matthew deeply inhales her sweet smelling hair and tightens his arms round her. In turn, Susie tentatively strokes the nape of his neck before running her free hand into his messy dark blond hair. As Matthew gently breaks away from her,. It fooled the goalie, and Andrew pulled back the puck and fired it top corner. Ping.Bar-down.And just like that, the Harlan high Oilers were the high school cup A division champions.Andrew threw his gloves in the air and yanked his helmet off. He jumped in the air and cried "boo yeah!!" Nothing could control him.He jumped on Duncan and then Sandy jumped on top. The crowd was loud. A home game, the fans were enthusiastic. In michigan, High school hockey was quite the craze. With its free games,. She got on her knees and turned around. I snapped some of the best ass shots I have ever seen. "now get on your back". I did. Spread those legs". She spread them, she looked so beutiful. laying there letting me take pictures of her, waiting for my next request. She was laughing, but I could tell she was taking it pretty seriously. "Come sit on my knee" I said, she did. Her perfect body was pleasently warm and heavy on my knee. I held the camera out in front of us. I snapped picture after. .Do you think he noticed how amazing I looked or how much time I had put into getting this way I couldn't say as he just grabbed me kissed my lips so hard they felt bruised his rough working hands grabbed my tits and pinched my nipples hard I moaned loudly and when he made me get on my knees and suck his cock I did so greedily sucking his cock the way he liked it rock hard it became and I knew he wouldn't let me finish him off this way...He picked me up off my knees and threw me onto the bed.
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