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“Oh yeah, slut,” remarked a pleased Big Q. “You ready for Big Daddy’s big Black cock aren’t you, sissy boi?”“Yes, sir, Big Daddy,” purred Snow Bunny.“You look so pretty for Daddy today. I wanna spank you,” he said pulling off his belt.Big Q took the long leather strap that held up the jeans around his 42-inch waist. He lifted up the skirt slightly and delivered a blow to Snow Bunny’s backside. “You been a bad little sissy boi,” growled Big Q.“Yes, Big Daddy, I have been a bad little boi!”“I. Then the door opened and a naked man walked in. I lay on the bed and he slid his dick in me without saying a word to me. God that feels tight. I hadn’t felt this tight even when I was a virgin. It felt amazing, my vagina seemed to be pulsing and contracting round his dick and pretty soon he was coming. He climbed off me and straight into sue pretty soon the two of them had quite a loud orgasm. then the door opened again and two more men came in. One of them picked me up and sat on a chair and. He asks you to put it on while he makes you both a drink and you walk to the bedroom and do. You stand in front of the full-length closet mirror admiring yourself and know this is all he wants you to be wearing when you return and you like that. It’ a playfully naughty idea. You find him standing holding the drinks next to a chair he’s placed in the middle of the living room. It strikes you as curious until you notice the lengths of red velvet ribbon he’s placed on the coffee table. He smiles. Soon we reach the lake and walk along the shore till we get to the clearing we were at yesterday. No one was there yet, so I lay the blanket out for my goddess to sit on. After she sits, she has me on my knees beside her, my cock still semi hard from all the jerking this morning. She starts going through her bag of things I packed. Looking at me she says "I forgot to have you pack me some rope, and we need it for the rest of your punishment. When you go get it, bring another blanket too. And.
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