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You start to squirm under me, in a good way, as you realize what's going on. I take your other hand and tie it to the other post. I kiss my way down your body, being careful not to touch any of your hot spots. Down your inner thigh while caressing your leg. I pull your leg open and tie it off to a post too. Then kiss up that leg and down the other and do the same to it. You are now spread eagle on my bed and are mine to do whatever I want to. But you don't get to see what I'm going to do. "You've brought him", the man said, standing and gently pushing the two girls away, which obviously displeased them. "As you commanded", the girl said, giving the man a soft kiss as he approached. Then she turned and walked away, the man smacking her firm ass as she left. Both Alex and the other man watched the girl walk away, their eyes fixed on her swaying backside. "Has my daughter proved a worthy guide", the man asked Alex, indicating the girl who had just left. "Your daughter", Alex. The fact that James was outside only added to the pleasure, even though Belinda would probably have him locked safely away before releasing her from her cell.James returned to the front desk to see Belinda neatly folding Kate’s clothes and placing them in her locker. Given the care which with Belinda had folded Kate’s world possessions, it didn’t seem that poor Kate would be leaving the jail anytime soon.“So even if she escapes the cell, she’ll have no clothes,” James smiled as he playfully. 'That's a good leather slut' I told her. Her tongue lapped around my cock quickly & her lips locked around my girth. It was better than any d**g you could ask for. I wanted to cum so badly but this poor slut hadn't earned her boots yet. On top of it, I was concerned we'd be stuck for time getting changed & then going into work. I wasn't a 'once a day guy'. If I was passionate, I wanted to fuck three times minimum. You choose your poison, mine is sex. She ran her hands around my balls &.
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