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Ellie and BJ fucked each other senseless whenever she called round for a trial fitting. On the night of the prom BJ carefully trimmed her pubic bush into a pretty heart shape and dyed it bright red, to make sure every boy and girl new she was available.It took a trained eye to distinguish the Humans from the Teen-Synths at the dance. The Synth girls’ dresses tended to be just a bit too short, exposing a bright colour thong or stubby strap-on. The Synth boys were actually dancing rather than. I was out of it when you came in last night. I really just needed to go home and rest. I feel much better now. I am not friends with you out of pity or any such crap. I like being with you and talking to you. I really need you to understand that. Please don't be mad at me. I promise you that I value our time together."She sniffed again and blinked back the tears. "Really? You mean that?"I smiled at her, trying to get the same in response. "Yes. I really mean that. Please forgive me?"She did. .how about u " he said nervously then blushed "nothing much just bout to go and bask in the sun wanna join" I had said in an eager voice Darion looked at him then Ant said "if Darion joins" Darion looked and said "ok fine let me go change c’mon on we have to find swimming trunks" Ant was the first on down and I was outside in the back he came out and sat beside me and I looked at him and asked "can u lotion my back" he looked up so fast almost got whiplash and said "sh..Sh...Sure"I turned over. I will take care of you."Mavis had been sitting close by the group writing in her journal. She looked up "Rosie, we know and appreciate that, but what about Garth and Red. It might be too late for them by the time the K-P get to us." Mr. Garth will not let that happen. He's too smart..." added Yavi."... Of an engineer. He'll figure out something," Farhad finished.Garth lay on his back looking at the maze of wires and electronics under the Rascal's control panel."I can't figure this thing out.".
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