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I said, “Dawn, it appears you are feeling that butt plug.”“Yes, master. It’s long and thick.”Beth grinned. “I could find a bigger one.”“I would take it, mistress, but I would rather not.”Heather said, “I just got a text. My friends want to come over to swim and play.” She said it like a question.Beth said, “Okay, but every guy has to butt fuck your mother.”Heather grinned. “They will.”It wasn’t long before all the regular teens plus a few other guys were out on the back deck with us. Everyone. . well, we were horny. That seemed a good outlet at the time. We don’t normally do that. We’ve only done it twice.”“As you’ll find when you hang out with us, there is other ... sapphic activity among us. We have no hidden agendas. We are not monogamous. We are not exclusive. We are trusting and open with each other, and most of all we are very loving.”Marcie looked up at me with glassy tears in her eyes, “I know. That’s why I want to spend time with you when you’re together.” She faltered,. “Well, you got to see me up close and personal, now why don't you let me see you?” Sasha asked.Then I stood right in front of her and began undressing. She had seen my dick before a few times when she caught me masturbating. So as I was naked, I stood right in front of her.“And no one has wanted to settle down with this?” Sasha asked.“I guess not,” I replied.“Well get over here now with your mom,” Sasha said.Then I came over to the bed with her. I got onto my stomach towards her pussy.“Don't. Aaron said to JR, “You could take over one of the mobile homes for your sixty-day trial period. I warn you up front that living with a four-year-old is not always a pleasant experience; she’s a whiner.”JR looked interested, “Could I see one?”Dave, Aaron, and JR broke off from the others as they strolled back to the Circle’s core. Dave chose the mobile home furthest from the construction area and tried the door. The home had been Mike and Clarisse’s.The inside of the home was warm and welcoming..
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