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“Not even Bailee?” Chloe asked me laughing.“Alright you have me there, maybe Bailee.” I conceded, since I considered her almost as good a friend as Gemma.Chloe just started laughing at me, when she got it under control, she commented. “Don’t let Gemma here you say that, she won’t feel she can compete with a Hollywood starlet.”“Gemma could compete with any woman for looks and personality as far as I’m concerned.” I argued back.Chloe just gave me a long look before giving her reply. “I really. “Later. I was almost fifteen when a senior with a car decided to check if the rumors were true.”“The backseat?”“Yup.”“How was it?”“I lit off like a Roman candle.”“So that convinced you to stop having sex?”Nina slapped at Jake’s arm.“Not hardly. From then on, I lost interest in boys who didn’t have a way to get me alone.” She fanned her face with her hand. “Stop it. I’m getting too wound up. It will mess up the deposition if I jump one of the lawyers.”“Okay, change of topic,” Jake said.This time. Mary and Amanda were limp, willing bodies to them both. Brad couldn't do much as the power of Buster was strong pounding his cum into Mary's body. As the streams of cum shot into her ass, her head popped up and she howled just like a dog. Buster was doing as best he could to breed his bitch.Amanda was like a rag doll as the dog in her cunt rammed her without mercy. She was moaning as he body took his load and her stomach expanded some as the knot gave the cum nowhere else to go in her body. She. She moaned loudly with a mouthful of cock as he rubbed his wet hand over her still wet ass-hole. It was clear that she loved ass-play and he was eager to oblige. So as she was bent into his lap he pulled her ass cheeks apart and quickly inserted a finger. She let his cock fall out of her mouth and grunted, “Oh, you dirty little fucker…you like my tight ass don’t you?” He simply groaned and jammed his finger all the way into her ass up to his knuckle. But he didn’t want to get sidetracked.
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