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Instead he removed his fingers, wiping them on the towel I had just used to dry myself and told me to lube up. I pulled one side of my ass open and applied a generous amount of lube in and around my hole. Mike then rubbed his long hard for up between my cheeks and began to tease my ass. He rubbed himself up and down. I liked how he felt and moved my ass back up against him. He reached around and found my cock erect. He gently tugged as he dry humped me. Then it was time, no more games..."Open. Naked bodies, two deep, covered in oil and sweat, moved through each other like a mass of worms. It was impossible to count them. Naked people entered the room and were gradually being pulled under by a sea of groping hands. Every now and then a body would crawl up against the glass, only to be pulled back by many hands into the raging oily mass of meat. She saw everybody penetrating everybody in every possible hole. The oil lubricated everything. They were not people anymore. All were reduced. She said she was scared if Chandu found out, but trusted me to take care of him. Then I taught her how to suck a penis, and she seemed to enjoy especially when I ejaculated, as she thought her efforts made me produce white liquid! I helped her in understanding what was in her pussy, by licking her clitoris, which was obviously a new discovery for her. She was very happy by the end of the day, and we decided to stay one more day. I called my home and informed them, and also to tell Chandu. We. It might hurt just a little when I push it in." Ok. OK, go for it." To distract her a bit I smacked her ass again, then spread her cheeks and pushed my cock against her. Then forward. Then in."Ow you motherfucker. Hold a minute. Oh. ee. Uh, OK slow." Fearing for my cock's future I eased in an inch, then another. When I thought we had passed the hard part, I stroked her ass cheeks."OK that's the worst part. You're ready. All the way, easy," I pushed forward until I was resting against her.
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