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I returned home with Sarah, who dutifully stripped at the bottom of the stairs and ran naked through the lounge (containing Rhea, Simon and Mum) towards the shower. Rhea gave me raised eyebrows as Sarah shot through and Mum joined me in the kitchen as I cut up some salad to go with the last of the lasagne, currently in the warm oven."Hey, bro, how do you do standard deviation?" Rhea asked as I chopped the cucumber and I glanced over at Mum filling the kettle.Mum shrugged. "I missed that out of. "Hello thank you!" She said to the waker and hung up, then quickly sat up on the side of the bed afraid to fall asleep again.Once again the phone rang and she reached for it again."Please don't hang up in my ear this time." She heard Joe say."Oh my God, that was you! I'm so sorry my love." She said, embarrassed."I just called Joseph and told him I would handle your wake-up. I have to be at a job site in Tarrytown at 10 this morning and I should be in Manhattan by noon or one. I'll call Diane,. We loaded up the vehicle and I shook hands with Harold, kissed and hugged Joan and then did the same to a tearful Bryce.In the back seat Liz was a little tearful herself and held me tight to compensate. After the suitcases were in the room I said, "What would you like to do now Liz?" If it is the same to you I would rather sit here and talk." Sounds good. Tell me about your family as I make some tea." She told me about her mother Mary and her little sister Sally and after a while about her. ”Jane replied “Yes that would be nice. When, where?”Helena advised “Ben has the details. Can you let her know of the details please Ben. Fred and I have to go now. We will see you tomorrow morning.”Little did Helena know Ben had already invited Jane to the wedding. Now she was getting an expense paid weekend in Vanuatu. Ben thanked Jane for not letting on she was already invited. He then filled her in on the plane travel and the need to bring her passport and a friend if she wished.The.
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