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Brad left the clothing beneath his waist to his wife's capable hands and pulled his shirt over his head and off.Kneeling to draw Brad's socks off his feet, Ashley tossed everything at the mound of her clothing. Finished, she straightened quickly. Standing on tiptoe, she sought out his lips and tongue for a long, heated kiss. Her right hand dove between them to seek out his burgeoning hard on and jack it up and down."I wanta watch the movie," she said breathlessly, "but I want you in me. I am feeling so hungry.Saying so, I just rubbed my nose and tongue on the back of her neck, licking the sweat on her body. My semi-hard cock rubbed my mom’s ass cheeks over her saree. I played with her navel and spongy breasts over her blouse. I pulled her more and more into my arms and I felt my hard and hung cock getting in between her ass cheeks.My mother tightened her ass and squeezed my cock between her ass cheeks. We were pleasuring each other even without undressing. I couldn’t wait. She laid back on her bed naked. Joe had been out of town for three days and she was bored and lonely. Today was only Friday. She wouldn’t see him till this coming Wednesday. She began to think of her fiance and her nipples got hard making her young pussy moisten. Taking her breasts in her hands, she began massaging them and pinching her nipples till they were as hard as little pebbles. Chris loved masturbating. With her left hand she continued playing with her young, firm tits while her right. * A’learA’lear had not known what to expect when meeting this small, human woman. He hadn’t expected it to go well. Truthfully, he expected the night to be very awkward as he was out of practice with women. Marion wasn’t what he expected.When he had saw her standing near the fountain with the different colored lights dancing over her body, his heart had stopped. He had stared at her for a bit before getting the courage to call out to her. He knew immediately it was her. Her copper hair.
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