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No I have better idea, why don't you sit on my face and let me clean you up a little. Matt said. Matt rolled on his back. My heart was beating so fast from all the excitement and all this was very new to me. Matt had fucked me in ways I only seen in porn. I had a feeling alot more was coming my way before the night was over. I turned around and sat up and looked at Matt, and thought to myself it might not be just my pussy he owned. I worked my way in place and soon was sitting on Matt's mouth.. Is this true Gary?"Gary sighed. "No grandma, it's not true. I DO want to go back to school, I just don't want to go back to THAT school." Gary you need to understand that sometimes, we adults know what's better for you," Ava sassed.Gary clenched his jaw. "Grandma, I'm 23 years old, I'm not a kid. I think I can make my own decisions." You come over for dinner and we will discuss this. I'm inviting you to dinner and only YOU."Gary couldn't believe how rude his grandmother was. "So I guess I can't. "Well, now I feel like an ass," I muttered to myself and they lost control, breaking into great whooping laughs that turned their faces red and knees weak, the storm of power dissipating.By the time they'd begun to regain control of themselves, Billy and Marcus stood behind Talon."I thought I told you to do whatever it took to keep them in the car?!" I snarled at Billy quietly."That's rather difficult when I never even saw him leave," he replied through gritted teeth."Don't punish him for. “I’m sorry, Babe. I didn’t expect you’d come this weekend. I’m afraid I won’t be much company.”“I know. You sounded so worn out when we talked but I’ve missed you. “Pulling back I reach for the shampoo. Squeezing some in my hand I then reach up and pull your head back. Working the shampoo into your hair I begin to massage your scalp. Applying more pressure I work from your temples to the back of your neck working out your stress as I go. Your sigh makes me smile. Guiding your head back I rinse.
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