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I lowered my head. He went behind me licking me a couple times before he mounted me. I bit my lip and arched my back. He wrapped his fore paws around my tiny waist. His claws scratching my sides as he shifted, the hard bone of his dog cock jabbing but not quite hitting home. He jerked and his cock hit me, painfully in that area between vagina and ass. I screamed and shifted my ass some. His cock slipped inside of me and he re-gripped me with his paws. He jumped off me, barking loud and shrill. Only Master John got to fuck Kayla, since she was originally his submissive – although since Gail had come along, Kayla had become more and more dominant. And Kayla’s was the only pussy John fucked. For Gail and me, we were allowed to have sex with each other when given permission and our asses and mouths were always available for use. Gail and I would arrive at their home every Friday night, usually within a couple of minutes of each other, and be there until Monday morning, when we. Mara was sucking my cock, it didn’t get hard, and as it pulsed it felt like I was actually pissing down her throat. It lasted a good 5 minutes and I finally had to tell her to stop because I couldn’t take it anymore. She lifted her head and the pre-cum was stringing from her mouth. She licked her lips and slowly pulled her fingers out and said, “Wow, your ass is gaping wide open. I can see down your ass!!” I let me legs fall to the mattress and Maria said, “There is a puddle of pre-cum on your. In the mean time I sat on his bed going through few news magazines lying on the bed. He came to the bed with the copy in his hand and showed me the sum which I had done incorrectly he placed the copy on my lap and showed me where I went wrong. This way his hands were placed on my thighs and he was talking to me at the same time. After that he did not remove his hand and continued to check. A touch of a sexy guy so close to me on the bed was making me a little uneasy. I was a little nervous and.
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