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I swear they talk every day and often, like right now, they have an extra couple of minutes and just yak and yak.My dad was telling me, "If you like that phone, you'd better collect it from your mom right away. She can make a cell phone disappear faster than a magician."Since we were sitting at the bar with Mercy and Kathy, Mercy pointed at my dad's near empty beer mug and told him to watch the mug. The mug began dematerializing. Just like Star Trek. It faded right out. Dad asked, "Does she. My eyes caught a slight movement; a young deer was noiselessly pickingits way along a trail that ran about half-way up the slope. The path itwas on, would take it several hundred yards to my left where it openedup on the back-side of a local farmer's field. The doe would walk a fewsteps and lift her head, sniff the air and look around. At one point,she looked directly at me, I could swear that she knew I was there. Herhead lowered, ears twitched forward, studying the strange lump at thebase of. Asking the clerk, I found the soft porn section. I picked out a few that I thought could pass as regular movies but a little steamier scenes. On Friday I set my plan into action.We made popcorn and ordered pizza like normal. Popping the movie in, I took my seat beside Rebecca. As the movie played a scene with two young ladies at a clothing store came on. They picked out some clothes and went to the dressing room to try them on. This is it, I thought. If Rebecca has the urges I hoped she had. As. She like Miranda, but not in that way. What if things went bad and it ruined their friendship? “I…I don’t know.” Miranda pouted. “I promise, it’ll just be the one time, then we can pretend it never happened.” Her hand traced little designs on Carly’s wrist. She leaned closer. “At least let me do this.” Before Carly could protest, Miranda’s mouth was on hers. They were so unexpectedly soft and warm that Carly couldn’t stop herself from kissing them back. She dropped her pen and lifted her hand.
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