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‘Jack,’ Spencer started, ‘have you met my new girlfriend, Edie, who I am treating with respect by taking the relationship at her pace?’ ‘New girlfriend, eh?’ Jack smiled playfully. ‘Yes, and we were enjoying a morning in bed together,’ Spencer replied. ‘So what is it you came to ask?’ ‘Oh, right. I’m meeting the guys at the park for a game of footy. Wanna come?’ ‘Can’t, sorry. Going to visit my brother today.’ ‘All right, but you two will stop by the pub tonight, right?’ Jack asked. ‘I. Fondling her everywhere and sucking her deeply I stopped thrusting and she started relaxing and responding by very genteel pressure.I once again tightly held her by buttocks and gave a mild thrust and my rod further slipped into her. I was about to explode. I was desperate that I could not put her on her back and get my release. But I continued with partial penetration for some more time.I knew that she was equally excited and would gradually relax and attempt to accommodate further. No problem,” he said.“Okay, then, let’s eat,” she said.“Pantano’s just ahead,” he said.The Wild Horse Café had a limited menu, but the place was friendly and service acceptable.They’d gotten seated within two minutes of arriving and menus and waters had been delivered a minute after that.“Whaddya wanna eat?” he said.“Just a burger,” she said. “James, I’m nervous,” she said.“Well, you’ve said that often enough so that I’m getting to the point where I actually believe you,” he said, and. “You better hurry, um, she has to get back to class in like 5 minutes, sorry!” Scott said, interrupting Steve’s exploration.“Oh, um, yeah, sure...” Steve said, pausing, uncertain exactly what to do next. Realizing that time was wasting, he undid his belt and pushed his jeans down over his hips, trying to not look at the other boy as his thick mushroom headed cock popped into view. Grabbing his rather short, but comparatively thick shaft in his hand, he pointed it downwards, towards the wetness.
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