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Everybody was so excited that what they will have to do to have my body.So now my game started—So the game was like I will give different tasks to the boys and whoever wins those tasks will get different parts of my body and they can so whatever they want like kissing sucking, liking etc but only from above the bed sheet and they must not remove the bed sheet.All agreed and the game startedSo I gave the first task to amit and rahul to break a piece of wood which was actually a very hard piece. “Ignore him. He’s heading back to America, where the people don’t like him nearly as much as the Kurds do.”Marilyn laughed at that. “That is cold, Fletcher!” she said.“But true, so true. What’s up?” he asked.“Fletcher, I have decided to take pity on you for teasing you about jumping out of planes. I am going to bless you with an exclusive!”Marilyn gave me a curious look, but Fletcher’s ears twitched, and he suddenly got a look like a pointer aiming for a quail. “An exclusive?”“You are going to. ” He shoved my head down to his erect cock and said, “Suck.” I had never sucked a penis before so I had no idea what to do. I opened my mouth and took his head in. I started to suck and gently ease the rest in. I lathered in saliva because it was going in my asshole soon and I wanted it to go in easy. When his penis started to reach the back of my mouth I knew I wouldn’t be able to take anymore so I took my mouth off of him. He was being incredibly pleasured by all of this and I think he. She tensed again.Ignoring her questioning look, he grabbed hold of the bed frame for support. Her eyes widened, startled, as she gazed at his hard cock looming enormously above her face. Carefully, he sat down and placed it between her tits, which were still drenched with his spit. She turned her face to the side, frightened, as she focused on the large purple head of his prick, only inches from her mouth. Grabbing both her warm tits in his strong hands, he tubbed them up and down firmly.
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