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She raked her glittering nails down Leia’s bare back. Leia tugged on Anna’s dress and she got back to her knees to peel off the dress. Anna was now wearing nothing but boots and fishnet from her fingers, over her body, down her legs and disappearing beneath the boots. Leia pulled her by the shoulders and they kissed again, their tongues peeping out briefly for Matt’s viewing pleasure. Anna leaned back in a captivating display of flexibility and strength while Leia buried her face in Anna’s. She barely had time to compose herself, to calm herself down.Seth took her collar off, tossing it aside. He pushed her to her knees, pushing her face down. He pulled her hair up, clasping a posture collar around her neck.With this new collar, she found that she could not lower her head. Was she supposed to keep her eyes on him? Was she to witness this new torment? Why is she wearing this?He pulls her back up by her hair. He grabs her up by the single ring, making her stand on the bed. He grabs. She shook as aftershocks hit her. That was great, she said when she came down – your tongue was marvellous, Maria. Now I want to do you.The ladies swapped over and Sarah dove between Maria’s open and smooth thighs. Maria arched back as Sarah got her tongue working on her slit, licking up her juice then settling down to suck her clit between her lips and run her tongue into Maria’s pussy.Mike had turned me over and was oiling up my ass now. His fingers pushed into my ass, first just one,. He then removed my pants too and now I was quit nude in front of him. Without wasting so much time he started fingering me, sweating on his finger and on my ass and I was moaning now. He said “teri to badi tight hai yaar, aaj ise dhily banata hun mai”.Then he called Sushil and said him to give some oil which was not in the cabin and Sushil gave him the desired thing and Rajesh said “Sale ki badi tight hai, Chikni karni padegi”. Sushil looked at me and I looked on the floor as I was unable to.
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