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Peaceful. Do you feel romantic, Fred?" She murmured, moving so that his arm touched her hip, "I do."Fred was fighting a losing battle with his conscience, his mind and all his morals. He had never before felt such earth shaking desire of anyone as the beautiful woman who had just issued an invitation to him. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't restrain himself, either. He grabbed for her, tried to find her lips with his, managed to kiss her chin, then did find her mouth and the sensation of her. "I love all three of you. And when I learn something new, I'll eventually practice it with everybody. What I need you to do is be patient, and let me do this at my own speed, okay?"Scotty was a smart kid. With her in that position, it wasn't too hard to figure out what she was about to do. He swallowed and nodded his head.Without using her hands, she captured his prick in her mouth and moved her lips up and down along his shaft while she sucked. His groan made me want to giggle hysterically.. Then take the head of his cock and slowly let him drive it in her mouth. This went on for a few more minutes until she took his cock out of her mouth and was moaning and grunting in ecstasy. I had not noticed but the girl had gotten her hand inside of Amanda's pussy and was fisting her fairly hard and rough. I had watched Amanda do this to other girls but I haven't seen her get fisted until now. The girl was still sucking my cock deep and with every thrust of her fist into Amanda she was taking. She quickly grabbed my head, shoving it back up her monstrous ass. "Oh Fuck," I blurred, shaking my head up her ass wildly. "Fuck! You're up in there deep, Papi!" she moaned, pushing my head up her ass further, almost pass my ears. She moaned in Portuguese again, bending over some more, exposing her tight, butt hole to my flickering tongue. This continued on for about 15 minutes until I again, freed my head from her ass, coughing and catching my breath. She shook her butt using her hands,.
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