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As I walked in the store I was relieved by it's appearance. I expected the store to be dark and dingy. To my surprise the store was fairly well lit and clean. It appeared as if I was the only customer in the book store. The only other person there was a young lady standing at the cash register.She looked at me and with a sweet but firm voice said "can I help you find something?"I returned her friendly smile with one of my own and said "no just browsing" Obviously I wasn't just browsing I knew. ” She read the back of the package and tossed it into their basket saying, “We just may need it later.” As they continued toward the front of the store he whispered, “I thought you told me I was too big for that.” Without looking at him she said, “If you get me lubricated with wine and my ass lubricated with Astroglide, there is just no telling what might happen.” She came to a complete stop and looked around to see if any other shoppers were near them. Not seeing anyone close she whispered,. Even in the early evening the sun was beating down providing a warm clingy feeling. Lucy enjoyed the smell that such an effect produced as the local flowers blossomed into full bloom. She passed a small wooded area on the way home, and it was here that she stumbled upon two lovers also enjoying the early evening sun. She followed the small path through the centre of the woods as usual but began to feel the tingles and butterflies in her stomach that provided her with the need for sweet climax.. After licking and squeezing her boobs for nearly 10 minutes, it was time for real fun.I started licking her pussy so that she doesn’t have much pain when my monster enters her mighty den. When I was licking her pussy, she was moaning and making sounds like “umm uhh ahh yuh” which was a delight to hear.Now it was the time for the Emperor to meet her Queen. As I inserted my big black monstrous dick into her soft gentle pussy, she just yelled at the first stroke but subsequently, she recovered..
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