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Then she heard something she wasn't expecting. Her son says "yeah I wish my momshowed more cleavage."In that moment she got super horny. They were talking about her and her big tits. She walked back to her room in a horny state of mind.What was she going to do, should she turn into the slut she really wants to be or just bottle it up like always. She sat on her bed, pussy wet and thought, why not a little flirting. It wouldnt hurt and its harmless. So she went into her closet. I began to think that we should leave soon because he was making me hornier than ever and I wanted some action fast! With my head in the clouds, I asked T who was that pretty girl fighting with him. He told me it was one of his primary girlfriends and that made me laugh out a little, not believing him. "What Kathy. Just cause you never liked me, even way back then in high school when you knew I liked you... doesn't mean other fine white girls don't find me irresistible! "Actually, why am I. I’m not sure how long that tie lasted. Probably not as long as it seemed, but it wasn’t just a minute or two either. Eventually he started shifting around and tugging more frequently, though he was still resting his weight on my lower back, and hadn’t put his feet back on the ground yet. He’d tug, and I’d feel a little stream of his cum leak out of me, and then another. Each tug was a small shock, not really painful, but on the borderline of being just a little bit. She was playing with her boobs ,pinching her nipples and watching her profile in the mirror, Then she took a quick shower and I thought of nothing else until she had dressed . I had to hurry zipping my pants and getting out before she could see me .That night I was in bed and still thinking about her when she came to my room, I was excited at this, then she came close to me and rested on my bed upside down she handed me a cream and told me to massage her , she said her back ached and she needed.
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