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Chris turned my back towards him and slipped my panties down my legs . “ur pussy is cocaine,”said Chris. I smiled as he forced me to bend, my stomach was against the top of the railing. My head was staring down 21floors. It was crazy, i was scared i would fall but Chris held on to me by my breasts. He pulled his cock out and rubbed it against my asshole. It sent shivers down my body.”aaw god!!” i moaned. He slowly put his dick in my ass, it was very big. I was in pain,after 2 mins it was the. On another occasion Mike was lying on the settee watching a program on TV. Some sports guru was discussing fitness and conditioning, emphasising that for almost all sports, long, loose and fit calf and thigh muscles were much better than very strong ones. He was pointing out that weight lifting in the gym was more suited to sprinters than distance runners and the like, who should put in lots of road- work. I had come in to tell Mike his tea was ready and, when I paused by the settee to watch. Piccolo ignored her and got into his normal mediation pose."My partner dropped out at the last minute. Would you be interested?"The giant Namek whirled around and started to power up. "What are youdoing?" he screamed, his face turning purple."Come on, you won't find a cure for yourself tomorrow, you know thatand you need to learn about being a girl. It won't hurt you," she saidslyly.Piccolo was opening his mouth to say something when Videl added, "Iguess, if you don't want to, I could ask. . you have other abilities," Diana teased, "like turning our orgasm switch on and off," she inserted.He felt his face flush, "Uh, yeah. That too." There was a hesitation, then, "I was with Joyce the night she was shot, even though I was miles away. And there are other things, most of which I can't seem to control. But getting back to what I started to say, the bottom line, to use an overused term, is that I'm responsible for everyone here. I don't mean to exaggerate this, but I can't accept.
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