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I smiled back. She asked, ‘You up for a glass of wine after?’ ‘If I am still sober by then, yes.’ She laughed and wandered off to the dressing room but turned at the door to give me a stare that made me feel, oh, I don’t know what, just feel. Her eyebrow lifted and she turned and I lost sight of her. When she reappeared after the rehearsal, which had gone exceptionally well, she was wearing a simple skirt and sweater. I felt huge relief that things had gone so well and I must have shown it. Doctor has prescribed some medicine and asker her to be selective in her diet also. My mother had given her some food. She was having fever and body ache. She has requested me to stay there that night since she was afraid of staying alone when in sick. I asked permission from my mother and she said there is nothing wrong to stay. I stayed that night in hour house. I had helped her in the night to give her tablets and Horlicks. I had taken her to bath room to ease her. She was back to normalcy. She got the condom on as fast as she could and made sure her lips only touched the condom from that moment on. His cock was short and fat. His balls were huge and hairy. He pulled her onto her back and mounted her. His breath was putrid. And he fucked her hard.It wasn't deep penetration but it was painful. She hadn't lubed it and his fat cock was gripping her pussy lips as he pushed it inside her. She managed to reach out and grab the lube after a while and squirted a big blob on his cock as he. He tried to pull out; but I begged him to stay in. He smiled and kissed me.But finally his dick softly popped out and I sighed in relief.But then, before I realized it, he was rock hard again and I found myself whispering in his ear that I wanted him to fuck me again.Jerome made me roll over onto my belly and he stuffed a couple of pillows beneath my flat body. I spread my legs wide and he plunged into my wet cunt again; making me gasp and cry out as it was much deeper than ever.He rammed me.
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