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Peter and Paul were either side partly looking sideways on. All were dressed in casual slacks and open shirts of red, white and blue showing their hairy, muscular chests. Oh, boy, were they handsome.They were horrible models and I had to resort to photographs but this was OK when they produced the 3D images of exactly what I was painting. It did make my job easier and their’s was win, win. I even had the 3D image enlarged to place it with the painting. The painting I had painted with so much. As We Started To Walk I Noticed That Jennie Was Really Jolly And That She Was Hinting To Hold My Hand, Which I Was More Then Happy To Do, But Before I Did I Put My Hand Around Her Waiste And Let My Hand Hold Her Ass And Then We Held hands For The Rest Of The Walk Home. When We Enterd Through The Front Door Of My House, This Is Truly What Wet Dreams Are Made Of. She Dropped Her Bag To The Floor And Pulled Me Towards Her And We Started To Kiss Passionatly. And Jumping Up Wrapping Her Legs Around. In the kitchen my girlfriend was making dinner and I could smell it all the way in here. When it came to women I enjoyed every race and color but this was something quite different. My girl was from another galaxy from a planet whose name I couldn’t pronounce. She had dark hair, cherry red skin, and these little things on her forehead that look like horns. I wasn’t dating a demon but she was one horny little she-devil. Her species had a rather high sex rate than humans where the sex lasts. "Noah is leaning into Alexis's grip as she moves up and down. She can tell that he is enjoying this a lot."Mmm. Eww, I'm close, just don't stop. It'll be pretty ... Ungh, ungh, ungh, eww, eww, oh, that was good, really good." Wow, I got hit by some of it, it really goes. It's everywhere, lemme get a towel, be right back."Alexis now has seen the power of a male ejaculation, the first time is always impressive. Even the second."You boys really pump out your cum. We girls just keep it inside I.
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