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By the time I was dressed, my hair still wasn't dry. I had this bighelmet of hair, with thick bangs hiding my eyebrows and the tops of myeyes. Michelle called it "Ramones hair," but I thought it made me looklike a Japanese Patty Smith. It just took it forever to dry and I hatedusing a dryer on it. I wrapped a towel around it like women in themovies did, went back into the living room singing a little snatch of"Dance of the Seven Veils" by Liz Phair (chiding some dumbass namedJohnny about. . she must have climbed into bed whilst I was asleep.She was snuggled up next to me and I could smell the warm sweet scent of her hair. I lay there motionless, pretending to sleep, and savouring the feel of her young body pressed against mine, her leg resting on my thigh, and the heat emanating from her silken bush.She had her hand resting on my belly, and was moving it ever so slowly, carefully down towards my crotch, pausing now and then as if not to wake me....My cock had already made up. To recap, there’s an older woman named Helen who comes to my house every week to give me a fair massage and a great hand job.Over 3 years, I’ve trained her to masturbate me exactly how I like it and I pay her well. She knows a lot about me including my gay tendencies which have emerged in recent years. Some time back, she took me along to help with a massage. She finally arranged another one.Rob, who is 65 and in a loveless marriage, sees Helen for occasional relaxation and release. When he. ”He ducked out of the door, a cushion hitting the door behind him. Luckily the bathroom was right next to the washing room, he tried to figure out what he could tell his mother to justify the washing of his bedding as he opened the water for the shower. Just as the shower warmed up enough, Maryse slipped into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. She tossed his football jersey onto the dressing table and grinned at him,“You can get another one, I’m taking this one.”He raised an.
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