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I answered himtruthfully and told him there was no one I was seeingat the time, and then I asked him about a girlfriend.To my delight, Roberto said he didn’t have anyoneeither. There was a girl who he was very seriousabout, but they broke up about a month before. Healso said he was still affected by the breakup andhadn’t dated since.I felt a little sorry for him, but couldn’t help butfeel ecstatic at the same time. A month! I keptthinking to myself. Assuming he was being. As I backed off his balls, I saw his erect cock. It was a wonderful sight. It was a full 8 inches long! It was so thick that I wondered if I would be able to get it all in my mouth. I licked the underside of the head once, and watched as his cock jumped. Then I began sucking the head, as it throbbed between my lips. My own cock was rock hard in my pants. I went down on him, and forced half of his cock into my mouth. Without pulling off, I forced myself to take more, but I couldn't get all of it. I felt so good, so happy and a bit relaxed, as well as very vulnerable and weak. After finishing off his glass, "John" yet again couldn't keep his hands off my long, smooth bare legs and thighs, remember he said earlier he was "a leg man," and he couldn't keep his mouth off my ears, neck and chest."John" then turned all the way towards me and lied on top of me, his hands all around me, caressing my bare exposed back, then down to my ass where he reached under my very short dress and started. Je le vois descendre et approcher de moi d'un pas d?cid?. Ma porti?re s'ouvre me rappelant qu'il fait bien plus fraisdehors qu'? l'abris dans l'habitacle. - Descends !Je m'empresse de sortir nue debout sur le bitume.- Au pied !Je fr?mis inqui?te mais je pr?f?re ne pas le provoquer en cet endroit et me mets vite ? 4 pattes. Je le vois sourire satisfait.Il se penche ? l'int?rieur de ma voiture et coupe le contact puis referme la porte avant de verrouiller mon v?hicule sur la voie de droite au.
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