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."you want to see my pussy baby,see how wet and horny she is?"Not realising,in the last 2 minutes my jeans already around my ankles and my own hard-on resting on my own Abs,,and started stroking my member with my thumb on the topside and two fingers on the underside of my rock hard,ceiling pointed raging hard-on, and with my other hand cupping my tightening sac,Gina reallly starts to rub one out with her own finger banging motion.Watching Gina caressing,squeezing her tits and nipples,and. "Hey, its fine, remember what I told you?" Huh?" If it feels good, it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong! We do whatever we want, okay?" I reminded her."Okay, I guess I just liked the idea of you being a sixth form student, and me being your teacher and you telling me what to do and…oh god, there really is something weird about me isn't there?" She laughed as she said which might've been to hide a bit of shame in her fantasy."Hey, you wouldn't be the first person to have a schoolgirl fantasy. I realize I need to get home before I transform back from cumming so hard. I grab all my things and stop at the bar. The guy and the other two guys give me their numbers and I leave. As I get home I take off the heels, dress, bra, and panties. I lay in bed rubbing my clit, and fall asl**p. I wake up the next morning and go to the mirror and realize I haven’t changed back to a man. My mind starts to wonder “what is going on?” I go to my lab and run a few test of my bl**d and DNA from my male. I did kiss him back, however I thought I had better retreat while I had my wits about me. I grabbed a fresh towel off the rack, as I should have done before and wrapping it around me as I exited the bathroom. “Go get dressed, before your father catches us. Forget this last half hour happened!” But of course neither of us could put the incident out of our minds. For some reason I was acting like I was part of a racy conspiracy, that was going to continue.I really had no intention to let.
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