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Thankfully, the elevator opened almost atonce, and we found ourselves alone inside it. I watched as Brenda lookedme over carefully. "My God, you're perfectly beautiful," she said inexcitement, grasping me by my bare soft arms. "Your boobs are perfect andyour legs go on forever!" She grinned with pride as I couldn't think ofanything else to do but giggle girlishly in response. When we got to our room, I ran straight to the full length mirror. What I saw made me gasp with sheer. The sight of the redhead women being tortured, made many Muslims excited. Afterwards, they would come and rape their redhead chattels. They would insert their circumcised cocks and squeeze on their breasts. They really squeezed it hard and rough. If they had nipple rings, the Jihadeers would twist and pull on them. Raypoz enjoyed what his men were doing throughout the Empire. From Turkestan to Scandinavia, a new empire just like Ottoman Empire was now in place. Raypoz himself had raped many. As I recovered I rolled over so that she was on top of my body. She dropped her face down to my left ear and said, “Jatz love you, Goyse. You do things for me no one has ever done.” I turned my head to kiss her.When we broke our kiss she whispered again in my ear, “I want your baby. I don’t want it for Ken. Jatz wants her baby for Goyse.” I kissed her again but said nothing. How can anyone reply to that? What could I say anyway?I quickly looked across to Linda who I had forgotten about over the. I didn't like it at all. So perverted.Finally, when we realised we could not stand each other we decided to try a separation to try live apart before we got serious about a divorce. I told him he could keep the kids and I will take Jake, my huge Doberman dog. He instead wanted the dog and wanted me to keep the children, but I convinced him since this wasn’t a divorce but only a separation on trial basis, lets try this and if it does not work we will go for a divorce and we can swap children for.
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