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There is something about a woman sucking your cock after it has been inside her that is always sexy. Collette opened her mouth and took my cock in. She started to suck and lick me as I fucked her mouth and I know that she was surprised by just how much cum exploded out of my cock. She proved to me then what a good girl she was by thanking me. I was in heaven.Over the next month we met almost everyday for sex. Usually we would go for a drive and find somewhere to fuck. It never occured to. I didn’t think I would ever see anything more humiliating and enticing in my lifetime. “Come over here and Lick my cunt.” Cindy’s voice penetrated the fog of lust that filled my head. My head whipped around and watched as Gary sat up and Ella crawled over to Cindy. Cindy splayed her legs apart and I saw her sweet pink meaty slit for a few seconds until Ella dove onto that hot firebush. I wanted to stroke myself, I wanted to slip into Ella’s wet cunt. It pointed right at me as if she wanted me. " Can I leave now?" I said trying to hide my anger."Oh yeah, sure."I turned around and tried to calmly open the door, but before I could even get my foot out, he called me back."Oh, do something with your hair too and a little make up wouldn't kill you."I stormed back to my cramped work area to sulk. I had never had a man tear into my looks. It was unfair of him to berate me when I was obviously trying hard to be professional. I never wore high heels that would have called attention to my long. I wanted to make love to her right then and there. I thought to myself, “Are you crazy? What if you get caught?”I was very nervous. I touched her beautiful foot, just to see if she would wake. If she did, I would leave.She kept on snoring. So, I touched her foot again. Again, she didn’t budge. She was out cold. I looked down, at the floor and saw her costume lying in a heap. Apparently, she had taken it off in a hurry. I saw a small g-string bunched up in the pile. I nervously reached for them.
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