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I couldn’t help it, I intently pushed forward pressing the head of my cock against my mother’s soft rump. I felt her shiver a little at the touch. Then I saw her turn her head sideways as if to spot the intruder. I left it there, pressing into softness.“You really should try and get that thing to go down, somehow” she said softly“I know mom, but I can’t, not with you like this”“Are you saying that the sight of me is what is keeping him up?”“Yes mom”“Well I’m more than flattered; I’m pleased. Rhonda just smiled and said it was time for me to get the promised surprise…She stood up and faced me; as she rolled down her tiny thong.She then revealed a thick eight inches’ dick, just long as mine…Rhonda’s mound was nicely trimmed and her dick was uncut.It was rock hard when she freed it from this tight thong. I just opened my mouth in shock and surprise; so the trans babe got her chance to shove her cock up my mouth…She moved hard and the bitch made me gag on her dick. Rhonda pounded my. Elizabeth and Nali saw the strained look on Ray's face as he delved deeper into the female's mind then they both made the mistake of looking also. Both withdrew in abject horror at the scenes that they saw there. Then both sighed in relief as they saw that the thoughts weren't Ray's but those of the female Chorton. Nali and Elizabeth looked at each other with disgusted looks was this really normal sex on this world? Ray had finally put all in place as far as he knew though he had to look. His complication was deep pecan brown, like he was coated in bronze. Like a love starved bitch, I walked up to him 'I'm sorry,' I said 'I'm trying to find 160 Marble road.' 'Well, you have found Marble Road,' he replied. 'But there is no 160 Marble Road.' I tried to look on in disbelief and stutter 'What, Where, I don't know what to do, I was told to be there at six-thirty and now I don't have a way to get back home.' The handsome guy said 'come on, i'll let you use my phone.' We started to.
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