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After 2 weeks my old maid came back to the job. Mom was gonna remove sarika but I intervened and managed to keep her for a month. I liked sarika a lot. She thanked me later that afternoon.Me: Arey it was no big deal. I like your work and I like you. The other maid doesn’t bother talking to meShe smiled shylyMe: other maid did all the work in the morning you don’t need to do it again. Let’s talk.We sat in my room and started talking. I even got her snacks which I had to force her to eat as she. After a bit, you walk back in – start the shower and stand me in there, washing me all over, sliding the washcloths over my boobs, my pussy and my ass.I get out and look at the clock – it is only 10 pm. Deciding I need some more punishment for not following the rules like I have been told, you take me into the dungeon room and strap my hands above my head, spread my legs apart and alternate between the whip and the flog; you cover my entire body; you then take a cane and start on my ass and. The lish little ice lollies that he made from her blood and guts would most likely still be there for his more warm blooded pets to enjoy.Perhaps that sad emo chick, Raven. She had the saddest of frowns etched on her face yesterday so he had generously volunteered to help make her smile. The reunion with her father was quite the emotional sight, especially when the big four eyed demon skinned her alive. She died and was revived over and over again, each time in a way that was funnier than the. As both our curiosities had risen to great proportions. We set a date and met up. I knew he was handsome by his pics, but when he came around the curve and I saw his face , I had to control my smile. he was even sexier in person than his pics ever displayed. We were instantly attracted to each other. We tried to be cordial and act like old friends but I could see his manhood swollen in his pants as I moved around . He pulled me to him and started to kiss me. He had the sweetest.
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