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I had already bred Kylie several times over, naturally, along with her sister.When I spilled my load at last inside Missy, Lorraine quickly mounted me for her turn, even as Missy kissed my face repeatedly in delight. When Kylie and Dannii planted their asses on my face between kisses, Missy simply knelt to lick my own butt. I impaled Lorraine eagerly as she bounced up and down on my pole and I hungrily dined on the two Aussie cuties as they moaned in delight.“This sort of thing is why I can. I’m burning with dismay and humiliation at your disappointment and anger.Your hand twists my hair tighter: “Answer.”“No Sir.”“What do you think should happen now? What have you done?”I know what will happen, but now is when I have to ask for it, to really submit to it, I squirm on my knees with the struggle.“I’ve earned your punishment Sir.”“And how should I remind a dirty, disobedient, disrespectful, dripping, messy, used slut that that pussy is mine?”Your shoe slides between my thighs and. I took my time as I didn’t know how long this would last and to my surprise I could hear Kelly softly moaning MMMMM as I slid my oiled hands over her orbs. I don’t know how long it was before Kelly abruptly sat up and told be to sit on the bed with my back on the headboard. She then with her back to me slid between my legs and placed her head on my chest. Saying ok now go back to what you were doing. I didn’t need to be told twice so I proceeded to play with her breasts from behind which I must. I didn't know a lot about cars, but Iknew enough to check to see if anyone was inside.I got out of the car, padding along the rocks on the side of the highway.I went to the car, and I saw her. A brunette woman was lying unconscious.I didn't think. I just reacted. I would grow to wish that someone elsehad gotten there first."Help mommy," a small voice said.I opened the back door slightly. It wouldn't open too wide. A smallblonde girl scrambled out. I walked her to the shoulder of the road."Wait.
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