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Then they both got up and came over to Paul and I. "We think Brandy needs some fun, so what do you say, Brandy? There's three of us and we can make you feel better than you've ever felt before." Well, I was already so hot that I replied, "I'm all your's," and Shannon went and pulled the mattress off her bed and put it on the floor between our beds. Chapter 2 "Lay down, Brandy, um, let me get….here they are," and she got out two scarves as I dropped down on the bed laying on my back. Both girls. I was sure glad right then I hadn't turned them in. So anyway we went back past the trailer and turned off on the road to the sanitation company truck lot.Homer was pissy because he felt somehow if he was to make an appearance in a garbage truck it would be "harmful to his image as a serious arteeste. I told him he wouldn't be any kind on an arteeste if we couldn't get in to play and sing. So he got in and off we went. Damned old Homer was going Hollywood on us. Anyway, Emily sat next to me and. "I want you to be rough on me babe, fuck me as hard and fast as you can, make me cum all over that huge dick of yours." He smirked at me and went deeper, getting atleast 7 inches in me. Then he took it out and slammed it back in my. I leaned forward and rested my head in the crevice of his neck. "Oh my God," I moaned loud enough to be considered a scream. He pulled out once again and slammed another inch more in me. "You're so tight babe." He mumbled in my ear. He pulled out again, but instead. She’s got a lot of talent, will probably make it to the top, if I can get her to control her temper. We’re working on that. She’s got a bout coming up with the number eight fighter. I think she’ll win.’ ‘What’s her rank?’ ‘Right now, she’s unranked. If she wins, she’ll probably get ranked. Ten, maybe even nine. She’s done really well in her regional fights.’ ‘Record?’ ‘Seven and two. Two on points, three by knockout, two by submission.’ ‘What about the two she lost?’ ‘The first loss was her.
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