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I placed my hand gently on her abdomen. “This is going to take a lot out of the both of us.” I waited for her nod before I began.I prayed for healing of the Sister that I so grievously wounded earlier. Filling myself up with Her glory, I transferred all my Goddess given strength upon Sister Cynthia. Feeling the power flow through my hands encouraged me to keep pushing until darkness overcame me.Later, how much I was unsure of, my eyes opened to an unlit cell. Starving I slowly sat up and looked. I saw high top tennis shoes and then black leather shoes.My 10 year old curiosity was about more than I could stand as I sat there silently listening. “Get those pants down, bend over, and grab the pipes an older voice said. I noticed a hole in the metal stall wall and leaned forward and pressed my eye to it. I saw the younger guy push his cut off jeans down and was surprised he was naked under them. I knew all about cocks, we’d talk about boners at school and thought we were so wise. Well this. You want to know what makes me feel good? You want to know why I'm so fucking happy?" sparkled Callahan in surprisingly good sprits."No." Well then, I'll fucking tell you." Callahan exclaimed with glee, and Williams groaned. "What makes me happy is this: That little cocksucker Shipley is gone. Even if he doesn't pay for murdering his buddy Vello, which he did by the way; even if he never pays for any of that. Hell I don't care if he confesses. Little bastard will be so far in the system by this. " Oh, I think you can persuade me," Willow replied. "But for now we need to get going to Los Angeles."Back in LA Nina had been attempting to hold her breath while she talked. While she couldn't accomplish that, she found that every time there was the slightest pause before Willow answered a choking lump had risen in her throat. What if Willow refused to help? What would they do? If there had been one attack there would most likely be others. She had looked up Yawish Amulets and while they.
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