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" Walt said, "I'll see if he wants to play!" Okay," Phil was still lost in thought, "now about sex as punishment and reward..." Oh that's easy!" laughed Walt, "Kathy!"In college, Katherine O'Connell had had a reputation as a slut. As the friends knew, however, she was actually quite selective about her bedmates. Once a bedmate was selected however, he (or she) had better be ready for a wild ride! To their knowledge, no one had ever discovered a sexual act that Kathy refused to perform.When she. Her first night at the club will be next Tuesday. I'm planning on going. Do you want to go with me?" Hell yes!"And then he added, "Shit! I can hardly walk my dick is so sore. But I'm getting another hard on just thinking about it!"Josh laughed and finally left us alone. I picked up my dress and started to put it back on. Rob started to take it away from me but I said, "Just long enough to get my car out of Ski's driveway. Oh! Josh didn't mention Ski. I fucked him a couple of times, too. Is that. Her house was on 1st floor. Her house was neatly decorated and it was very pleasant. But for my bad luck her c***dren also there in home at that time. She gave me some juice and asked me to sit. I sat besides her and asked her I want to fuck you. She said chup, keep silent c***dren are there.After some time, she called me to show her home completely. She and me went to side room,as c***dren were not there I hugged her very very tightly but she said it is very dangerous to do sex as c***dren. I had never noticed what lovely caring eyes she had (too busy looking down lol). “There is no need to be ashamed Nick lots of men do these things. Are you gay?” she asked. I tried to explain and she smiled at me. “You are young and coming into full manhood you will be confused it is normal. You said you like ladies. I have seen you looking at me. Were you trying to see up my skirt?” I decided as I had gone so far I might as well admit I had but had never managed it. As I spoke I realised she.
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