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Have a nice day.”When Erica got back, Laura was asleep, and she had spilled her drink that was draining into the sand. Looking down on her daughter, she had an image of her having sex with John.She felt ashamed at her thoughts but couldn’t get them out of her mind. She knew Laura shaved, she had undressed in the bungalow, and she figured she was more of a missionary girl than a wild fuck against a tree trunk.As a teen, she had never had a boyfriend, so Erica had not heard anything hanky panky. As the photo was taken from some distance and from directly behind Sue, I couldn’t see their mouths, but from Francis’ expression, it was clear they were kissing.Just as I was cycling back for a second look through the photos, my phone pinged again and I saw it was Sue’s friend Jenny again.“Hey Pete, hope you liked the photos. Don’t Sue and Francis look hot together? If you want to see what they’re doing now, let me know and I’ll Facetime you so you can see for yourself. But you might not be. She was looking very cute in her civil get up. Her smooth silky thighs were a perfect shape and the buxom bosom with ample cleavage was something I could not take my eyes off. She was not at all disturbed by my popping eyes and barged in without any invitation from my side.” You are looking gorgeous’ I said . Like many times before I took the liberty to take her in my arms and kiss her. She showed no resistance. As i came close to her, i could smell the intoxicating perfume which she wore. “Oh God, keep going, please keep going,” she hissed.A frightening thought popped into my head. I’d been so focused on Katy that I’d forgotten the most important thing!“Katy, are you on the Pill?” I whispered.“Yes!” she hissed, bucking her hips against me.We continued our slow motion lovemaking until Katy gasped, shuddered and groaned again.“Oh God!” she gasped. “Again? Please?!”I kept my focus on Katy’s pleasure, tamping down the burning desire that was building in me. Katy had three more small.
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