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After that, she came up gargled and we kissed each other. Now this was my turn, I went down, a well-shaven pussy, shower washing all the wet juices over it. And I licked her. I like licking pussy, if you want to enjoy your pussy or your girlfriend’s pussy being licked, let me know. She was wet, and continuously loosing her juices. I drank all – salty but l like it.!!After this, we came out of the shower, dried ourselves. I told her, this night is going to last long. To which she smiled – that. I noticed before that Jon had taken an interest in mom by the way he told me how hot she looked. I agreed with him and for some reason, besides being horny, I decided that he should get to know mom a little better; after i had warmed her up. We three headed into the living room and mom and I sat on the sofa while Jon took the recliner. After a bit of small talk I reached over and began to caress mom`s leg, slowly running my hand up and down her thigh, inching it closer and closer towards her. ”“Once everyone is settled in, they will be encouraged to start families. We are even considering using artificial wombs to help increase the birth rate and lower the risks associated with pregnancy. I know that this is against company policy, but we must grow to survive. Natural pregnancies are inadvisable for any woman stationed off planet due to radiation hazards and microgravity conditions, and some women here may opt to not carry their child.”Sijay put her datapad aside. “I know you. Aric had turned eighteen two months prior to Daven.Now they wouldn't be able to run around the city as much as they used to.But that was ok because Aric was having fun training with the men, working with the kitchen staff, and just sitting and talking with the wine steward.Over the last season, Aaron had taken to showing him something new he called tactics, the best way to use them, and how to use it to observe people and your surroundings to make quick decisions.Aaron always said the best.
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