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Her moans filled my ears as the divine taste of her filled my mouth. As the moments went by my tongue began to grow sore. So I began to trace lazy circles around her clit, occasionally flicking it from one direction or another. This caused sharp gasps from her, and they increased when my fingers entered her. First only one slowly drifting in and out of her, but soon it became two, then three plunging in and out of her pussy. What pushed her over the edge was when this vigorous thrust was. S. in case you decide that you do want to move here. We don’t mind if you sleep over other boy’s houses if you start dating, but we don’t feel comfortable with them staying in your room.”Shannon’s face turned beet red. “I am not that type of girl. I’ve never even been with a boy alone and won’t until I find someone from my own religion and marry him. I don’t drink, smoke or take drugs, and we don’t even believe in dancing.”Tara and Colin looked at each other with a concerned look, as this. I ask if you're okay and you say yes, but you don't want me to go. I remind you it's the middle of the night, that I'm not going anywhere. Your answer is simple, beautiful - Good, hold me. They're the only words I need to snuggle closer, to completely spoon my body with yours. Time passes in a sleepy haze. I stroke through your locks, each strand of hair fragrant and silky, my fingers wandering to your neck. I love gradually waking you with my fingertips, as bits of your consciousness gently. .. and you lift your head to do as you were told, I move your long hair from where it hung across your face as I look at your reflection as you gaze into the mirror as I had instructed. You didn't want to look, you are laying over my knees ... waiting for what was going to happen next ... you don't like to witness what you were submitting yourself to. Your mind screamed "just do it!" I look at you, our eyes meet, "I can be gentle with you" I say, as you watch my hand gently rubbing your ass.
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