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She kept the hold until she shot all her load and he started coughing cum, it felt warm in his mouth. She withdrew her cock and gathered his her fingered the drops of cum he dropped, or that were oozing out of his mouth. she smeared it on her tight sexy as and in between the check and directed his head towards it. He kissed her ass and cleaned it, licking between her cheeks, trying to stick the tip of his tongue in her anus. "Honey, don't worry" she said moving his head away "we'll get there. “Biggest what?” I reply"Biggest pair you laid your hands on?" Brittany asks as she looked over at me."Uh," I knew the exact size, but I pretended to make it look like I was trying to remember, "40F, I think," No doubt they were F they belonged to my recent ex."Pfft!" Brittany said with a laugh, trying to hold in her beer as she swallowed. "I think I was an F in my first year of high school." "Nice!" I reply trying not to sound interested. "What about you?"“Just over seven inches, kinda thick,”. Suddenly my cock that was exposed to the cold is sucked into such warmth with such tightness like no other. I enter her completely, pushing in until I hit the back wall of her cunt. All hell breaks lose as we kiss, joined at two points. Still standing I hold her arms above her head and we thrust and thrust against each other, each time more violent yet more loving. I can feel the intensity through our breath which we share, noises created at the very bottom of our throats. I unlock my hands. “You go first. I‘m fine.” Harry motioned Mrs Weasley ahead of him. “I want to enjoy my last moment of freedom.” She disappeared through the barrier and Harry took a deep breath. There wasn’t much more he could do to put this off. He started running forwards, lowered his head and closed his eyes as he reached the barrier. Crack! Harry bounced back and fell to the ground gasping. The barrier hadn’t opened! He put his hand to his forehead and it came back bloody. His mind reeled. “They don’t want.
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