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She had her first look at Chrissy's full figure. He wore a waist clincherand a training bra, both in shimmering white satin with delicate palepink roses on them. The sissy's former wife slowly stripped him till hestood in front of her naked. He used his hands to cover his raging hardon, but she slapped them away and stood right behind him.Breathing on his neck, her perfume in his nostrils, as she caressed hischest and asked if he'd like her to choose her knickers. He begged her toplease do. Would I get the chance to repeat the trip? I didn't know, I had made no promises other than to take the multi vitamins Ingrid forced on me, we would just have to wait and see. Part ThreeI couldn't really see that another trip was possible for four or five months, I wasn't even sure I wanted another visit. Sarah was less than impressed with my piercings but put up with them, my longer hair she quite liked so that was okay. My friend in Germany kept me supplied with her special supplements, I had. Katie then told me that it was her fantasy to have a threesome and that she want Lisa to be the other woman in it. i was like the is cool but deep down i was thinking my god am i going to be able to please these to beautiful women. I asked why she choose me, her response was that since are chat she felt that i be ok with it, i asked her why she did ask me in the private chat we had if i be up for it, turns out is was a fantasy of Lisa's to spring it on a guy. So at the bar we had another beer. Jessica mira alrededor, apenas hay gente por la zona, la mayoría está en las gradas del estadio escuchando el Concierto, Jessica deja que la joven juegue con una de su tetas por encima de la camiseta.-seguro que una mujer como tú le pondrías a cien a mi novio-murmura la joven mientras magrea el pecho de Jessica-ya pero si eres guapísima tontita-dice Jessica que ahora si mira a la joven-¡ya!, pero mira me he puesto estos leggins negros súper ajustados y ni me mira-dice la joven que sin para de.
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