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That was really embarrassing and I began stumbling over what to say. Aunt Julie took care of that when she calmly said, "That's OK Greg, I was hoping you'd notice." My mind was racing but nothing was said for a few seconds. Aunt Julie took care of that awkward moment too by gently taking hold of my hand and guiding it to her breast. I pressed my fingers into her softness and, as I fondled her, I was no longer thinking of her as aunt Julie. I unbuttoned a few more buttons of her top and. I thought that maybe youand Eric would still be...busy with each other. No? You dated thefabulous Eric and yet managed to come back with your virtue intact?Remarkable! But why? Well, no matter. As you can see, I've been busytoo, in other ways."She'd set me up with Eric for more than just a date? She'd planned forme to be away from home and involved with...a man, so she could spendher whole time here uninterrupted with this man? My mind tumbled inupon itself!"I see you've finally met. She shakes her head. No, it’s not real.“Even if you manage to live and escape that woman’s clutches,” Lucy continues, “You will have to live with pain and sorrow. River is committed to her, you saw it yourself. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants.”“I’m afraid...” Jocelyn nearly mumbles.Lucy slides up against the other woman. Her hands begin sliding along Jocelyn’s thighs. “Here you have nothing to be afraid of,” she says soothingly. “Over these past few weeks I have shown you that I. As strange as this sounds, it seemednormal to her". I told her, "Not only doesn't it sound strange, it'sanother connection. I used to have a part- wolf, part- husky hybrid,and have seen a couple of wolves in the wild. I have also been to thatzoo in Carlsbad, and had a similar experience. Maybe there is some kindof connection there. I'll keep it in mind". She left me to explore myroom. I had my own bathroom, with lots of girl stuff. I had a lot ofbooks- mostly mystery, and fantasy, but.
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