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Even though she grabbed his cock and jerked it a few times, he was not satisfied. He ordered her to kiss it.“Just ONE kiss. But after proving that I’m straight… Can we talk about my husband’s job?” Velamma asked.She kissed her cock multiple times. But the perverted man doesn’t seem to believe that she was straight. She quickly took his whole cock in her mouth and sucked it like a lollipop making it grow hard as a rock inside her mouth. She deep-throated him and then stared at his surprised. Her angelic voice told him he'dbeen in darkness too long for his eyes to function properly. She had tobe right. He had been here so long. He would need to get used to thelight again. She talked about how he'd have to trust that she could gethim used to it slowly overtime by exposing him to a small computermonitor the captors had rigged to his cell.The following day, light slowly came back into his life. His eyes hurteven though the monitor only showed soothing dark gray swirlingpatterns. . As she shook the water from her hair he remembered that she was home on summer vacation from high school. Then Amanda hoisted herself out of the pool by pressing down on her arms and raising her body straight out of the water.As she did so, the already skimpy top broke free and slid to her waist, and tumbled into the water below. Her beautifully shaped breasts were stunning to look at. Darkened tan lines bordered each full pale white globe while the smaller dark circle of her nipples were. As she got in she said "Thank God I haven't stopped thinking about you since Wednesday". We talked a while, she was 24 years old, slim, pretty, blonde, she was wearing jeans and a black top with a leather jacket. She was called Trudi.I said "Do you know how old I am?" she replied "I don't care I fancy you rotten". I said "You want to come back to mine" and as she squeezed my thigh she said "Oh yes please". As I drove home she said her relationships with men have been so unlucky and she hasn't.
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